Finley Award
As third President of City College, John H. Finley strove to instill in the minds of students and alumni the concept of dedicated service to the community as the first principle of good citizenship. To this end, he introduced the use of the ancient Athenian Ephebic Oath as part of each commencement ceremony. Established in 1948 by the Class of 1918, the Alumni Association presents the John H. Finley Award annually to a New Yorker who has proven exemplary and dedicated service to the city of New York.

Past Winners
Awardee | Award Year | Acceptance Speech |
To nominate someone for this award please submit a cover letter and pertinent information, no more than 5 pages in total, for each nominee to The Finley Award Committee, c/o: David Covington, Or via mail to The Finley Award Committee, The Alumni Association of CCNY, PO Box 177, New York, NY 10027. Email submissions preferred. Submissions are accepted and considered year-round.
NOTE: Names of nominees submitted within the past five years are automatically reviewed by the Finley Award Committee.